When shopping, we are often influenced by deals and discounts. EcoScan wants you to be able to make environmentally conscious shopping decisions, while also saving money
The recommendations sections provides each user personalized suggestions based on products they have purchased in the past. This allows users to discover new products that are sustainable and that fit their preferences.
Insights & DIY Recipes
Access to practical tips and information on sustainable household consumable products. It feature easy-to-follow DIY projects to creating eco-friendly alternative eg. household detergent solutions. Insights provide updates on the latest discoveries and innovations in the field, encouraging individuals to become more sustainably conscious.
Product Comparison
Through the app you will be able to compare different products side by side. This allows for you to be able to see the differences in price, sustainability, and ingredients. You are able to see side by side which products suit their preferences and needs best.

Eco Rating
Eco Ratings rates your products from a scale from A, being the most sustainable you can get, to an F. Based on the ingredients list, certifications, and other sustainability informations, our platform places a rating so that you can consciously select your every day products!
Pricing Overview
Do you want to switch to more sustainably conscious products but is unsure which store to go to get the prolduct at the cheapest price point?
In the product overview, you will see the lowest price listed. However, if you click into the price, you will find an overview of how much the product will cost at our selected online or in-person stores!
Ingredient information
A comprehensive and detailed ingredients list including descriptions of their environmental impact and a corresponding sustainability rating. Each ingredient is color-coded according to its position on the sustainability scale eg. good rating - dark green, moderately high - orange

Barcode Scanner
Have an easy way to use our product, when shopping. This feature allows the user to simply scan a product's barcode, and the EcoScan page of this article will pop up.